Pantry Refresh


The pantry has always been a favorite spot in our home! It’s right next to the kitchen and easy to access all the items we might need. However, after Ava was born and the year passed and all the holidays it has gotten quite out of control! So I decided to do a little refresh. Mostly with items I already had on hand. The result was a more clean and organized pantry that is pretty and functional. Win win


Glass jars make it easy to spot your items and see when things are running low. Keep things such as nuts, cereals, oats, dry beans, etc in these jars


I added some fun elements as well! My rooster and cake stands make for pretty yet functional decor as I do use all those pieces throughout the year. A basket adds a nice natural element and it serves as a place to put extra kitchen towels. Empty bottles can be used for floral arrangements later and filing pins can be part of your decor as well!


A few favorite items are a pretty box to keep all your tea in such as the turquoise one pictured here. Berry baskets work great to keep garlic and shallots in. An old kitchen timer works great when making recipes and gives you a reason to not use your phone.


Why not add a Personal touch and add a picture to your pantry!! This was from our 5 year anniversary!!


Tips when organizing your pantry!!

1.Take everything out and then group into whatever categories you’d like it in.

2.Throw away any old food, expired food, and previously opened food.

3.Put what you use the least up high or in the back so it dosnt clutter your space 

4.Use glass jars and containers where able so you can see exactly what you have 

5.Buy cute baskets or galvanized containers to place larger items or canned items in. wal-mart has great options for this.

6.Use natural elements such as wood or baskets to balance out the space 

7. Personalize the space. Just because it’s a pantry doesn’t mean it can’t be unique! Add a picture, a special momento. Something that will make you smile every time you walk in.

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Pantry Refresh.png