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Leaves of thanks

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Ever since my parents came fro Cuba they celebrated thanksgiving with Uncle Randy and Aunt Marty. They sort of took in my parents and welcomed them to America with open arms. Each year we would do thanksgiving with them in West Virginia.

It has always been a special gathering and time of thanks. Now with a little girl of my own I want to start doing a few traditions that really embrace the meaning of thanks and family.

I’ve decided each year I will do leaves of thanks and put them up for display. As Ava gets older she can do them too and each year we can display the leaves from current and previous years and see the ways which God has blessed.

This is a super easy project you can do too!! Scroll down to see the steps to create this look yourself.

Leaves of thanks~

STEP 1- purchase an open frame in your desired size. I used an open reclaimed wood frame.

11xx14- CLICK HERE



Purchase leaves made from kraft paper or you can use some you cut out yourself! I prefer a 2” leaf.I ordered the ones below on AMAZON. CLICK HERE FOR LEAVES AND STRING


Tie a knot of string around a flat push pin and press onto back of frame to secure the string. See IMAGE


Write on your leaves reasons why you are thankful this year. On the back of the leaves write down the year. This can be done on Thanksgiving day or the days leading up to it!! Use a white chalk marker or a regular pen.


Use tiny wooden clothespins to secure the leaves onto the string. Super easy and cute! CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE

Your project is ready!! This would look really pretty hung somewhere on Thanksgiving. Set up a little station with the leaves and maker and tell family members to write things they are thankful for this year. They can sign and date the back. Next year you can display them and add new leaves of thanks. What a fun way to look back and see what you were grateful for each year. I hope this inspires you to give thanks! Let me know if you do this in your home. !

With Love,


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