Elderberry Preserves
Hey Friends!!
it’s that time of year where our elderberry bushes are ripe and it’s time to make something delicious and yet nutritious and very good for you! Elderberries are known for their medicinal properties. They are great to ward off a common cold and keep your immune system strong. I however never like to see how so much sugar is added to all elderberry recipes! Sugar can lower your immune system so no fun!
So I thought I’d make a recipe that contains just natural sugars and still makes the recipe sweet but without processed sugar. Yay! So I present to you a elderberry preserve. It’s like a jam and you can put this on toast or just eat its by the spoonfuls. Delicious!! I went ahead and canned it so it will be preserved and ready for us all winter long!
Elderberry Preserves
1/2 cup raw elderberries ( you may also use dried elderberries. If so, soak overnight prior to using) If you are gathering elderberries directly from a bush 1/2 equaled about 6 large heads of elderberry.
3/4 cup water
1 1/2 cups apple juice
3 tsp sugar-free pectin
1/2 cup date paste ( soak 1 cup of dates in 1 cup of water overnight. Then blend well in food processor)
1 Tbs fresh lemon juice
Bring berries, water, and juice to a boil.
Remove one cup of jam mixture from heat, add pectin, date paste, and lemon, blend until smooth.
Return blended ingredients to pot and bring to a boil once again. Reduce heat slightly and keep stirring for5 minutes.
Remove pot from heat and pour jam into canning jars. The sugar-free pectin will harden the jam as it cools.
To can the preserves simply boil your canning lids and jars. Once sterilized pour mixture into jars through funnel as pictures. leave space at the top. ensure there are not air bubbles. Wipe jar opening clean. Then place lids on, tighten lid, and place in canning pot for 10 minutes. Once time is up place on counter to cool. You will begin to hear a pop as the lids are sealing onto the jars.
Gift Idea!!
Get a piece of linen and cut into a small square. Remove ring from top of jar. place fabric on top of sealed lid and then tighten ring around it. Trim the square smaller but still maintain the square shape.
You can even add a stamp or letter to the top of the jar directly onto the fabric. What a fun gift this would be!!