A Beautiful DIY Winter Suncatcher - The Perfect Winter Activity For Kids

On a cold winter’s day, I am always looking for ways to entertain Ava and spend some time outside.

We can easily get caught up indoors when it’s cold, rainy, and gloomy, so planning some time outdoors has to be intentional and fun during the winter months. Especially to get the kids moving!

One of Ava’s favorite pastime activities is foraging for all kinds of things outside. So much so that we have a fun scavenger hunt every season, collecting or identifying natural elements around the farm.

This winter, we made a beautiful frozen suncatcher with all the foraged items. It was so pretty; I wish it lasted all year long!

Scroll down to see how gorgeous it was and for instructions to make your own!


What makes this project so fun is that your DIY suncatcher can literally contain anything you want it to!

It is so easy to make, completely free, and the kids love it - it’s a win-win all around! Best of all, you can make a different one every other day when it has melted.

If you live somewhere super cold and it does not go above freezing, you can enjoy it for multiple days!


For this suncatcher, we collected some greens like pine needles, berries, red flowers, and tiny pinecones. But here are a few more ideas:

Leaves ( green or brown)

Tiny rocks


Pine cones


Pine needles (different varieties)

Winter berries




Sliced Citrus

You’ll also need a pie dish or any shallow dish and some string.


  • Send the kids on a scavenger hunt to forage for any natural items.

  • Make groupings of things that pair beautifully together and place them in a pie dish or any other shallow dish.

  • Pour water to cover the items (fill to the brim).

  • Add a long piece of string to the water, leaving enough outside of the dish to be able to hang the suncatcher.

  • Place in your freezer to freeze the contents.

  • When frozen, carefully remove it from the dish and hang it somewhere, so you can see it and enjoy it!

    You could also make a wildlife and bird-friendly one by adding seeds for them to pick at. It’s something fun to keep the birds busy!

So beautiful, right?! I know you will have fun making this!

Here are a few more kid-friendly DIY activities:

DIY Garden bird feeders

DIY Nesting balls and feeders

Decorated Pine Cones

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