Homesteading and Motherhood
Being a mom to a toddler and having a homestead is a lot of work. Most days I’m still in my pajamas and so is Ava but at the end of the day if we are happy and healthy that should be most important! Keep reading to see some of my thoughts and I’ll start sharing more about motherhood general over the coming months.
Jessica Elle Photography
Harold B. Lee said “ The Most Important work you’ll ever do will be within the walls of your OWN home” Wow, that is powerful. One of my biggest realizations as a mama and living on a homestead was that Ava is my most important crop! Sounds kind of strange but SO true! To some this is an obvious thing but it took me a bit to adjust and really embrace motherhood at first!
It was hard to let go of control and not be able to do it all! But a friend once told me that this will eventually be something I look back on as a short season of life. The days of wearing her on my chest while feeding the chickens are already long gone. She is growing and learning. First and foremost my job is to be her mama.This season of life will soon be over.
Savor each moment, even when things take twice as long to accomplish, the laundry piles up,and there are more weeds in the garden.
Savor this season, nurture your little ones, kiss them more, support them, let them grow up knowing how important and loved they are.
One question i've gotten a lot is "How do you do it all?" To be honest it kind of makes me cringe because I don't! If I have one piece of advice for mamas its never compare yourself to other moms. All of us are doing things the best way we know how for our little ones and comparison is most definitely the their of joy. There are days nothing gets done around here. Days i've felt defeated and overwhelmed but I know i'm giving it my best even if that's not what someone else perceives it to be.
Please give yourself grace mamas! Each day is an adventure especially when you live on a homestead. A few things that helped me early on so I could multi-task.
1.If your baby is young enough strap them on an carry them around while you do chores etc. Ava loved it, we bonded, and I got a lot done.
2.Get a good stroller or wagon they can ride in and watch you from. Sometimes you can actually get a lot done as long as the little ones are near you and can see you.
3.Try to have 15 min a day outside by yourself to get fresh air and just be. This can do wonders for your mental health.
4.Have a special time per day where there are no other distractions and you are giving your little one your full attention. Play, laugh, etc. Ava is much happier when I can truly focus on her and not just run around doing tasks. ️
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Baby steps friends! You are doing an amazing job!! We are all in this together! Have questions e-mail me!
Much Love,