14 Ways To Create An Intentional Home For Your Family

When we moved from the city to the countryside, we had a vision for our future family and home - to pursue a life where less is more, to connect with nature, and live more intentionally.

Intentional living is a way of life that focuses on being present in the moment and making conscious choices that align with our values and goals. It involves being mindful of our thoughts, actions, and behaviors and taking responsibility for the outcomes of our decisions.

Intentional living is about living with purpose and intention rather than simply going through the motions of daily life.

It encourages us to slow down, reflect on what matters to us, and make choices that support our overall well-being and fulfillment.

Here are 14 ways my family and I try to create an intentional home, which I encourage you to also implement for a more purposeful life.

14 Ways to Create an Intentional Home

Your home is your sanctuary – a place to relax, unwind, and be yourself. But how can you ensure that your home truly reflects what you value and who you are? The answer lies in creating an intentional home – a space designed with purpose and meaning.

Here are some simple yet effective ways to create an intentional home that aligns with your values and supports your well-being.

1. Start with a Vision

The first step in creating an intentional home is to envision what you want your home to be. What kind of atmosphere do you want to create? What values do you want to embody in your space?

Take some time to reflect on these questions and jot down some ideas. This will help you create a clear vision for your home and guide your decision-making process as you move forward.

2. Declutter and Simplify

A cluttered home can create chaos and stress. To create an intentional home:

  • Start by decluttering and simplifying your space.

  • Go through each room and get rid of anything that doesn't serve a purpose or bring you joy.

  • Simplify your decor and choose items that are meaningful and reflect your values.

3. Design with purpose and make it your own

Have your home represent you and your family, not the latest trend. It will feel like home when it reflects your style, personality, and values. 

  • When designing your home, consider how each space will be used and how it can support your well-being and lifestyle. For example, create a cozy reading nook for relaxation and reading or a meditation space for mindfulness.

  • Use colors, textures, and patterns that evoke positive emotions and make you feel good but which are also practical for your family.

  • Add family photos, art drawn by your kids, or family heirlooms that hold personal meaning to make your home extra special.

  • You can also support your values of intentional living through your purchasing decisions by choosing eco-friendly or fair-trade products.

4. Bring nature in

Nature has a way of bringing us back to our roots and promoting well-being. I love to incorporate natural elements into our home, such as cut flowers, plants, wood, and any other foraged items to use as decor. Not only do they add a touch of natural beauty, but they can also improve air quality and promote relaxation.

5. Enjoy Family Meals Together

Family meals (especially dinner) are the best way for us to be intentional at home and provide a consistent rhythm. We always eat family dinners together. Ava helps me set the table, and we talk about our day, engaging in meaningful conversations and sharing stories. 

Try to prioritize family meals and create a designated space for them. This can be as simple as a designated dining area or a cozy breakfast nook.

Yes, sometimes it's chaotic, or everyone cannot attend, but making an effort is really worth it!

6. Daily Devotion as a Family

We prioritize family prayer and devotion in the morning and worship in the evening as much as possible. It is a great way to create a spiritual connection in our home and strengthen our relationship with God and each other.

You can start the day with a morning prayer or meditation, read a daily devotional together, or share gratitude around the dinner table. Find what works best for your family and make it a daily habit.

7. Find quiet time

Even for just ten minutes!

I know that it is difficult to find quiet time with our busy schedules, especially for those with kids. But when you intentionally set aside a few minutes for quiet time, either alone or as a family, you can really calm your mind and block out all the noise and worries.

Whether your quiet time means prayer, meditation, reading, or journaling, it will bring invigoration and renewed energy to tackle what the day brings.

8. Spend Time Outdoors

This is hard sometimes, especially when there is a lot to do inside the home or if you are working full days. But I have found that spending time outside is life-giving!

Incorporating outdoor time into your daily routine, even for just a few minutes, is so good for your mental, physical, and spiritual health.

This can be as simple as walking around the neighborhood, having a quick coffee outside, or spending time in your backyard garden. Make an effort to spend time outdoors regularly, and appreciate the beauty of nature.

9. Enjoy the Small Things 

We often think big things like a career, a big house, or an overseas trip will bring us more joy, meaning, and fulfillment. But it’s more likely the small things that bring the most joy and intention to our homes and lives.

Enjoy the sun on your face, pick a bunch of wildflowers, light a candle, or savor the smell of fresh earth after a rain shower.

Take the time to appreciate the small things and find joy in the simple moments of everyday life to cultivate a thankful and happy heart!

10. Homemade Cooking and Baking

I love spending time with Ava in the kitchen and making delicious recipes with her; it creates the best memories!

Cooking and baking at home can create a sense of comfort and connection within your home. Not to mention all the lovely aromas!

Try to make homemade meals and snacks a regular part of your routine. This not only promotes healthy eating but also creates an opportunity to bond with loved ones and enjoy the delicious fruits of your labor together.

We love to preserve food by canning, and I love sharing this special technique with Ava. Canning really is a way to be intentional and mindful about what we eat and savoring the fruits of our labor instead of just buying something.

READ MORE: Learn how to can food in 10 easy steps - With a beginner’s recipe

11. Less Technology and Screens

Take time to focus on your family and home without screens or the constant "noise" surrounding us.

In today's digital age, getting caught up in technology and screens is so easy. However, too much screen time can harm our well-being and create disconnection within families.

In our home, we have a no-screen policy for Ava. I have to admit, this is very hard to do, but it has been amazing to see her develop and grow her character without screens and outside "influences."

To create an intentional home, consider implementing screen-free times or days, and prioritize quality time with your loved ones without the distractions of technology.

12. Create Fun Family Traditions

Family traditions are an excellent way to create lasting memories and strengthen family bonds.

Whether it's a weekly game night, Sunday breakfast-for-dinner, or a monthly family outing, creating intentional family traditions can bring joy and connection to your home.

13. Cultivate Relationships

A home is more than just a physical space – it's a place where relationships are nurtured and grown.

Take the time to cultivate relationships with your family members, friends, and neighbors. Make an intentional effort to connect with them regularly and create opportunities for meaningful conversations and quality time together.

14. Give Yourself Grace

Creating an intentional home is not about perfection but rather about progress. It's important to give yourself grace and recognize that creating a home with intention is an ongoing process.

Don't be too hard on yourself if things don't go as planned, and never compare yourself to what you see on social media. Find what works best for your home and circumstances!

Creating an intentional home is about creating a space that promotes connection, well-being, and joy. A place where you can create a home that aligns with your values and supports your family's growth and development.

Remember, creating an intentional home is an ongoing process, so be patient, celebrate the small wins, and enjoy the journey!

Love, Annette xx


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